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Star Watchlist Filtering

It is incumbent on all financial institutions to comply with regulatory provisions which may prohibit business transactions with certain entities or individuals. Star Watchlist Filtering will screen the names of account holders, beneficiaries, transaction partners and other parties against lists of suspect persons and entities published by governments and other agencies.

Features at a glance

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Universal Benefits

Achieving full compliance with global governmental and industry regulations is a prerequisite in exchanging financial messages and payments. The introduction of a fully featured, centralised, real-time screening and alert management system will also afford your organisation with genuine business benefits. By optimising message and payment flows, the management of financial risk is enhanced, fund availability and positioning is improved, and client satisfaction levels are raised.

Integrating WatchList processing within the messaging and payment streams improves the end-to-end operational process and enhances workflow management. A single system capable of supporting a full range of the lists available globally will bring gains in efficiency and productivity with a consequent reduction in operational overheads and costs.

With both the application and technology platform designed for online, real-time transaction processing at massive volumes and incorporating full fault tolerance within its standard architecture, WatchList Filtering as part of the message and payment flow becomes a realistic proposition. The cost and production management benefits of a single, integrated system are readily apparent.

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